Investigations / Security / Intelligence
Missing Person Investigation
Missing person search is one of our dedicated services. We help clients locate and find people who may or may not want to be found. You can use our missing person investigation to find your long lost friends, family, lovers, and relatives.
The missing person searches can also be used in adoption cases where a person may be looking to find their birth parents to understand their medical history. A biological parent looking to find their lost children or biological kids that were given up for adoption at birth can also use this service.
We conduct missing person investigation legally and with complete confidentiality.

How Do Missing Person Investigations Work?
We have over 100 years of experience combined in the recovery of Missing Persons.
Missing Children
Missing Adults
Endangered Run-Away Teens
Human Trafficking
Child Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
There are different levels of investigation in a search for missing persons. If you are looking to find a long lost friend, lover, or other relatives whom you have lost contact with, you will have a fair deal of information about them already that can make it easier to locate them. For example, you may have details about their last known address, date of birth, cell numbers, or job details.
There are also cases where you do not have any specific information about the person and have a photograph or name without any other details about the person. The information you have may be decades old. It is more challenging to find a missing person in these cases, but it can still be done by our missing professional person’s investigation service.
Certain factors determine how difficult it would be to find a missing person based on the little information that you have. One of the things that matter is the name. If the person’s name is quite common, it becomes more challenging to locate them. There are thousands of Jones, Mikes, and Kats in the country. On the other hand, a more unique name is or feature of the uncommon person makes the search easier.
Another factor is how much circumstances have changed for the person. A person who has changed their residence and jobs frequently can be difficult to locate. Many women change their last names after they get married, and this makes them difficult to find.
Why Hire DMI for Missing Person's Cases
Dakota Michaels Investigation has helped find thousands of missing people for clients all over the country. We have a team of experienced, private investigators in LA, California, and the rest of the country who excel at locating missing people.
Over the years, DMI has compiled a large database of public information of people in the U.S. that helps us track and find people quickly regardless of how long you have been out of touch with them.
Our database assets give us a high success rate and make DMI the ideal private investigation service to find missing persons across the country.
If the person, child, friend, or relative has gone missing only recently, it requires a different strategy to locate them. In this case, the trail is usually hot, and we use high tech investigative measures, including data gathering, to locate the person.
Lastly, it is always easier to locate someone who isn’t trying to go missing on purpose. If a person wants to be found, there are certain strategies that can help locate them with ease. Nonetheless, we have a great record for finding people who are deliberately trying to disappear on purpose.
Locating Missing Witnesses for Attorneys and Law Firms
Legal firms and attorney offices are one of our major client groups for finding missing persons. It is quite common for witnesses to go missing after they have agreed to testify in court. Many witnesses don’t come forward because of the trouble they go through or fear. They lose their numbers and move, making it difficult to get hold of them.
This is where we come in. DMI has been helping legal firms and attorneys find missing witnesses or suspects for over a decade now. We understand the urgency required for court proceedings and offer a quick and effective service that delivers results.
We can also back up our missing person investigation with evidence and expert witness testimony that can be presented in a court of law.